Sometimes, The Inexperienced One Can Be The Best Employee

Alinoor Accoy
2 min readJan 2, 2022

I was scrolling through different websites, searching for jobs and opportunities. I applied to everything I feel like I can use my skills. I applied to ten jobs that day and can’t wait to be invited for an interview. Right away, I got interviewed. I answered all the questions honestly. I told the interviewer I didn’t have experience because I’m a twenty-two year old guy exploring every opportunity.

I thought she was satisfied with the way she answered her questions. When the zoom call ended, I received a message from her, and she said, “Thank you so much for applying for this position and taking the time to speak with me. I thought you were a great candidate; however it’s in the best interest of the company to hire someone with the best experience for the job.” That’s when I realized that I needed to work harder because getting a job wouldn’t be easy for me. I’m writing this article to explain why you should hire an inexperienced person like me.

Remember: Skills can be taught, but personality cannot.

Some employers only focus on experience, and they forget that personality matters. Happiness and good relationship in the workplace promote productivity. It feels good to wake up and go to work thinking that you’re in a good environment. They treat you well, and everyone around you is a good person. The work that is supposed to be tiring can be and enjoyable. Remember, Skills can be taught, but personality cannot.

Learn innovation from young and inexperienced people

The new generation has unique experiences, skills and mindsets. They have grown in the time of technology; that’s why they can give your company an innovation that came from work experience and life experiences. They are resourceful and can explore different solutions to any problems they face in their workplace.

Final thoughts

I hope everyone reading this realized that sometimes, it’s okay to hire people who don’t have a lot of experience. I hope you give that chance to young people like me to prove that we may be inexperienced but can work hard to learn and excel in our chosen field. So are you looking for an inexperienced employee? I’m here.

Buy me a coffee ☕ :



Alinoor Accoy

Join me on a journey through stories that matter, and experience the power of storytelling.